It all started with a bright idea

The people behind swissgoldplan are fascinated by gold, this precious metal that has captivated men, kings and gods since time immemorial and has been used as an accepted medium of exchange for more than 5,000 years. Gold often stands for wealth, ostentation, but is also considered an iron reserve, an indestructible value when it comes to asset preservation.

Sibylle Kamber and Karlheinz Abt are not only fascinated by gold, but also by the innovative idea of buying gold and lending it to a precious metal producer so that it generates added value through use in production.

About our team

Light Bulb 3D

Our team

Sibylle Kamber is a passionate entrepreneur and ensures that everything runs smoothly at swissgoldplan and that the start-up remains fit, including digitally.

Dr. Karlheinz Abt brings many years of experience with regard to entrepreneurial issues and asset preservation.

What we all have in common is that we structure the exciting project in a simple and transparent way and put the customers at the center. At swissgoldplan, it is primarily about the people and the preservation of their earned values.

Sibylle Kamber
Sibylle Kamber
CEO / President
+41 26 420 01 20
Dr. Karlheinz Abt
Dr. Karlheinz Abt
Board of Directors
+41 26 420 01 21
+49 7621 95395 06

Our values

swissgoldplan puts people at the center, inside and outside the company. We are a small team and function with a lot of personal responsibility. We act responsibly for the next generations and do everything we can to preserve the beauty of the planet. For this, we rely on ethical gold, PX IMPACT® Gold.

The following values accompany us in everyday life:



We think long-term and holistically. We take care of the entire gold value chain.



We are committed to handling money with respect. Our profits are generated on the basis of a sustainable supply chain.



We communicate openly about the performance of our products, the costs and fees incurred.



We take on the responsibility entrusted to us by our customers and regard this as a sign of trust and confidence.



We leave traditional paths and offer new investment opportunities. We are small, forward looking and creative, a win-win situation for all involved.



We trust in long-lasting, real and indestructible values and combine them with new ideas to preserve assets.

swissgoldplan: a recognized financial intermediary

swissgoldplan is legally considered a financial intermediary and is subject to Swiss legislation. The supervision of the Swiss financial sector is the responsibility of FINMA, the Financial Market Supervisory Authority. Private audit firms perform regulatory audits on behalf of FINMA.

swissgoldplan is a member of Polyreg, a self-regulatory organization (SRO) recognized by the Swiss Confederation. Polyreg audits swissgoldplan on a regular basis and verifies compliance with the Anti-Money Laundering Act (AMLA), country and person sanction lists and performs a general risk assessment.

Thanks to digital tools for checking people and the origin of money, swissgoldplan manages to comply with the strict regulations without any problems.

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