Our products

You buy physical gold outside the banking system and decide whether it works for you or goes into the vault. Do you want to take more responsibility and preserve a livable planet for the next generation? Buy PX IMPACT® Gold.


Your gold works for you.

You buy physical gold and lend it to PX PRECINOX. 

Your gold is permanently located in the highly secured production facility of PX PRECINOX.

You receive a lending rate for the loan.

The popular plan


Gold with responsibility that works for you.

You buy physical PX IMPACT ® Gold and lend it to PX PRECINOX. 

Your gold is permanently located in the highly secured production facility of PX PRECINOX.

You receive a lending rate for the loan.


Your gold is in the high security vault.

You buy physical gold or contribute existing gold.

Your gold is stored in a highly secured vault at PX PRECINOX.

The storage costs depend on the quantity.


Here you will find answers to the most frequently asked questions. Can’t find the answer to your question? Contact us!

You do not get your gold physically. In order for your gold to work for you, it stays in high security production at our precious metal manufacturer PX PRECINOX. This applies to PLAN products. At DEPOSIT your gold is stored in a high security vault.

For PLAN products, the gold goes into high security production. At DEPOSIT, it’s off to the high-security vault.

Their gold is used during the manufacturing process of products for the medical, electronics and luxury goods industries. Their gold never leaves the production halls.

The gold is extracted in a closed circuit in the local production facilities. No more mercury is released into nature.

The commitment is secure. The PX IMPACT® Foundation is controlled by a Board of Trustees. One person works for PX Group on site in Lima as contact person for the miners and the foundation.

swissgoldplan SA is legally considered a financial intermediary. Financial intermediaries are controlled by self-regulatory organisations, which in turn are directly controlled by FINMA. Swissgoldplan SA is registered with Polyreg in Zurich.

You can buy as much gold as you specified in the KYC onboarding process. If you have exhausted this potential, please contact us.

The loan interest is paid annually during the month of January for the previous year. If you close your deposit during the year, you will receive the lending interest pro rata temporis.

You can find the details here.

The proceeds from a gold sale will be transferred to the specified bank account.

In Switzerland and EU countries.

Before signing the contract, you will go through a digital KYC (know your customer) onboarding process. Various details about the origin of the money and their identity are requested.

PX PRECINOX SA buys fine gold on behalf of swissgoldplan.

On the 26th of each month, swissgoldplan buys gold on your behalf. Extraordinary purchases are possible, depending on the desired quantity to be purchased.

swissgoldplan buys gold at a price based on 1 kilogram bars and a freeness of 999.9/1000.

No, there is no minimum quantity.

Opening fees remain and are independent of the amount of gold you plan to buy.

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