PX Group - our industrial partner in gold processing

About PX Group

PX Group and its subsidiary PX PRECINOX are engaged in metallurgy and in the production of tools and end products finished with metals. The company, based in La Chaux-de-Fonds, creates products for medical and dental technology, for the luxury goods industry, for the automotive industry, for aviation and for the electronics and entertainment industry.

Gold as a tool stock

The gold from swissgoldplan is used at PX PRECINOX in a highly secured production environment. If a customer orders gold products from PX PRECINOX, more raw material than the quantity ordered is needed for production. This physically available surplus contains the gold that was purchased via swissgoldplan. The gold from swissgoldplan always remains in the production process and never leaves the highly secured production.

PX IMPACT® Gold: Responsible gold supply

For PX GROUP, its human and entrepreneurial values are of great importance. Therefore, supporting several institutions in the areas of innovation, research and culture is an important part of their corporate strategy.

As a committed and responsible company, PX GROUP initiated a project to promote responsible gold. Together with its partner Dynacor and the NGO FIDAMAR based in Lima, Peru, PX PRECINOX offers the ethical gold PX IMPACT®.

When PX IMPACT® Gold is mined, no more mercury is released into the environment. The premium that accrues once on the purchase of PX IMPACT® Gold directly benefits the miners. They invest this extra money in their quality of life, build schools, libraries or equip local health centers with additional equipment.

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